una clase
de prueba

Los niveles de cursos de Language Trainers corresponden a los siguientes

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines (ACTFL)
Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB)
International Second Language Proficiency Ratings (ISLPR)


Language Trainers levels
Language Trainers One-To-One Courses (number of hours required to reach the levels below from beginner level)
Language Trainers Group courses (number of hours required to reach the levels below from beginner level)
CEFR levels (Europe)
ACTFL levels (USA)
CLB levels (Canada)
ISLPR levels (Australia)
Principiante Language Trainers level 0 Novice Low
Inicial Language Trainers level 1 Language Trainers Elementary (30 hs) Language Trainers Elementary (50 hs) A1 Novice (Mid/High) Initial Basic Proficiency, Developing Basic Proficiency Formulaic Proficiency (0+) Minimum 'Creative' Proficiency (1-)
Pre-intermedio Language Trainers level 2 Language Trainers Pre-intermediate 1 (50 hs)
Language Trainers Pre-intermediate 2 (80 hs)
Language Trainers Pre-intermediate 1 (80 hs)
Language Trainers Pre-intermediate 2 (100 hs)
A2 Intermediate (Low/Mid) Adequate Basic Proficiency, Fluent Basic Proficiency Basic Transactional Proficiency (1) Transactional Proficiency (1+)
Intermedio Language Trainers level 3 Language Trainers Intermediate 1 (100 hs)
Language Trainers Intermediate 2 (150 hs)
Language Trainers Intermediate 1 (150 hs)
Language Trainers Intermediate 2 (200 hs)
B1 Intermediate High Initial Intermediate Proficiency, Developing Intermediate Proficiency Basic Social Proficiency (2)
Intermedio Superior Language Trainers level 4 Language Trainers Upper Intermediate 1 (200 hs)
Language Trainers Upper Intermediate 2 (250 hs)
Language Trainers Upper Intermediate 1 (250 hs)
Language Trainers Upper Intermediate 2 (300 hs)
B2 Advanced (Low/Mid/High) Adequate Intermediate Proficiency, Fluent Intermediate Proficiency Social Proficiency (2+)
Avanzado Language Trainers level 5 Language Trainers Advanced 1 (300 hs)
Language Trainers Advanced 2 (400 hs)
Language Trainers Advanced 1 (400 hs)
Language Trainers Advanced 2 (550 hs)
C1 Superior Initial Advanced Proficiency, Developing Advanced Proficiency Basic 'Vocational' Proficiency (3) Basic 'Vocational' Proficiency Plus (3+)
Competente Language Trainers level 6 Language Trainers Proficiency 1 (500 hs)
Language Trainers Proficiency 2 (650 hs)
Language Trainers Proficiency 1 (700 hs)
Language Trainers Proficiency 2 (850 hs)
C2 Distinguished Adequate Advanced Proficiency, Fluent Advanced Proficiency 'Vocational' Proficiency (4) Advanced 'Vocational' Proficiency (4+)

Descripción de Nivel

0 Principiante

No tienes conocimiento del idioma o conoces solamente algunas palabras o frases como saludos, números, presentarte o decir cómo te sientes.

1 Inicial

Puedes comprender y utilizar expresiones y frases básicas para objetivos concretos. Puedes presentarte, realizar y responder preguntas como dónde vives, a quiénes conoces, o qué cosas tienes. Puedes interactuar de forma simple con los demás, siempre y cuando hablen lentamente y tengan voluntad de ayudarte.

2 Pre-intermedio

Puedes comprender oraciones y expresiones frecuentes relacionadas a tópicos relevantes (información personal y familiar, shopping, empleo). Puedes comunicarte en tareas simples y rutinarias que requieran un intercambio de información y describir en términos sencillos, aspectos sobre tus antecedentes, tu entorno, o temas urgentes.

3 Intermedio

Puedes comprender los aspectos principales de asuntos frecuentes en el trabajo, la escuela o el tiempo de ocio. Puedes lidiar con situaciones que se presentan cuando viajas a un país extranjero. Puedes elaborar textos simples sobre temáticas familiares o de interés personal y describir experiencias, eventos,planes y sueños, dando brevemente razones y explicaciones.

4 Intermedio Superior

Puedes comprender los puntos centrales de temas complejos tanto concretos como abstractos, incluyendo discusiones técnicas de tu campo de especialización. Puedes interactuar con nativos con mayor facilidad. También puedes producir textos claros y detallados sobre un gran número de temas y explicar tu punto de vista, presentando ventajas y desventajas de varias opciones.

5 Avanzado

Puedes comprender un gran número de textos avanzados y complejos, reconociendo su significado implícito. Puedes expresarte con fluidez sin necesidad de buscar expresiones. Utilizas el lenguaje de manera flexible según la necesidad (académica, social, profesional etc). Puedes producir textos claros y bien estructurados sobre temáticas complejas, demostrado un correcto uso de conectores, y frases de cohesión.

6 Competente

Puedes comprender con facilidad todo lo que lees o escuchas. Puedes resumir información de diferentes fuentes, reconstruyendo argumentos y presentándolos de forma coherente. Puedes expresarte espontáneamente con fluidez y precision, diferenciando matices más finos del lenguaje, aún en situaciones más complejas.

Number of hours to move from one level to the next

Our courses are tailored to your language level and learning goals and we use specific materials to cover the topics you need to learn, and more. Our trainers adapt the course contents to match your exact language needs so you are free to make any suggestions throughout the duration of the course.
In order to progress from one level to the next, it can take anywhere between 30 and 250 hours, depending on the difficulty of the level and several other factors that you can see below. Usually, the more advanced the learner is, the more hours are required to move upwards to the next classification.

For more exotic languages, e.g. Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, Korean and Hebrew, you need to add 100 hours to the number of hours needed to go from one level to the next, due to the different challenges regarding pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, spelling and writing systems. Japanese, for example, has 3 different scripts (alphabets) and many widely used characters have more than one meaning. Another difficult aspect of some of these languages is that of tone and intonation, where small differences can completely change the meaning of what you are saying.

Factors that determine the progress of a language learner

The number of hours needed to progress in a language depends on various factors such as:

  • Your native language: If your native and target language are related (such as if you already speak a Romance language which include French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian and are learning another of those languages), then you will learn easier and faster as you will recognize vocabulary and grammar rules.

  • Knowledge of other languages: If you are an experienced language learner and you know 2 or more languages, you will be able to acquire a new language more rapidly.

  • Difficulty of the language: If the language to be learnt is markedly different from any languages you might know, then prepare to spend a significant amount of time to learn the basics. For example, if you want to learn Mandarin Chinese and your language background is completely unrelated, then it will take serious effort to master the characters and other peculiarities of the language, much more than if you were going to study another language which uses the Latin alphabet (a, b, c, etc).

  • Living in a country where the target language is spoken: The conversation practice that you get by merely living amongst native speakers of the language you want to learn is invaluable.

  • Time for self-study: The more time you invest in language learning at home, either by doing the homework given by the trainer or any language related activity (such as watching TV, films, listening to radio, reading online newspapers, checking sites, etc ), the faster you will be able to progress.

  • Opportunity to practice the language with people other than your trainer: Being exposed to other accents will help you improve your listening skills tremendously!

  • Motivation to learn the new language: A strong motivation is the secret ingredient of language learning. If you are determined to obtain good results and/or have a real need to use the language, there is a lot more chance of success.

  • Your age: Language specialists say that age is an important factor in acquiring a new language. Although many say that the younger you are the better (we have all seen how most young children pick up languages in a matter of months), we firmly believe that with a strong determination, senior citizens can do better than young people - it's all a matter of focus!

About our online tests

To get an idea of your current level you can take our online test, and the instant results will indicate your current ability based on the above mentioned references. Please note that this test approximates your level as it doesn’t assess all language abilities, such as speaking and listening. However, at the start of your course, your designated teacher will assess all your language skills and the lessons will focus on developing the language areas where you feel you need most help or you want to focus on.

Available level tests

Actualmente ofrecemos las siguientes pruebas gratuitas de nivel del idioma en línea: